If it doesn't work, you may look into this article if something of these suggestions work for you. If the drive is not showing up in the Device Manager try the following: Right-click the Start button > Command Prompt (Admin) Then, at the command prompt type the following ( you can copy and paste) and press 'Enter': reg. This is what helps me, but of course I don't know your setup, so maybe this doesn't work for you. If the drive does not show up in the Windows Explorer directly afterwards, reboot another time.Wait for the driver installation to finish.In the top menu click on Scan for hardware changes, this should bring back up your DVD Drive.If it doesn't there is one more drastical step you can take: Usually after this procedure, even if no new driver is found and the older one stays in use, the device works again. Right click on it and select update drivers.What helps me almost every time when something hardware related does not work any longer, e.g fingerprint scanner or external cameras, and should work for a regular optical drive as well is Unfortunately there is no universal way to fix it, but with a little time and effort you may find a solution that works for you if this one doesn't. Optical drives not showing up in the Windows Explorer unfortunately is a common problem of Windows, and that since Windows 7, although i Windows 10 it happens way more often.